Sunday, April 21, 2013

My first afghan...

A few WEEKS ago, March 24th to be exact, I received another special request for a chevron blanket. I never made a blanket before so I thought, why not? A bit of back and forth conversation about size and color and I was off! This baby is 72" long and 50" wide. I just finished last night but I only worked on it off and on, here and there. I think it's GORGEOUS and is VERY warm. One of the benefits about working on a blanket is you can use it to cover your legs when you're cold. ;-)

I need to hurry up and get this mailed off cause my mom is trying to keep it. :-)

Special thanks to Kat for the request!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Bumble Bee's and Flower

I received an email a couple of weeks ago from one of my customers requesting a hat that she had pictured in her head. She drew me a little drawing of what she was thinking of. I wish I could share it with you but I wouldn't want to embarrass her since she was even a little embarrassed to even send it to me. It was a cute little drawing of a hat with little flowers and little bees buzzing around. After a few emails back and forth, we decided what the hat should look like.
Then, I let the magic of my hands and brain start creating.

When she had showed me her drawing with bee's, I immediately thought of these button bee's I had seen at the craft store. I told her about them to be as detailed as the buttons would have been. So I made tiny little crochet bee's which I think are too cute!

I sent her a picture of the final product and she responded with this, "Ha! It's so cute!!" 
When she came to pick it up she said, "Oh, it's even cuter in person! I know what my baby is wearing in her newborn pictures!"

I love to see reactions like that. :-)

Special thank you to Melanie!